Kucbelová's Novel The Bonnet Nominated for The Angelus Central European Literature Award

Angelus is a Polish international literary award established in 2006 and presented by the city of Wrocław, Lower Silesia. The award is given annually for best prose books written in or translated into the Polish language by a living author originating from Central Europe.                 

The main criteria is that the books present themes most relevant to the present day that encourage reflection and deepen the knowledge of the world of other cultures. Slovak prose writer Pavol Rankov has received the award in 2014 for his novel Stalo sa prvého septembra (alebo inokedy) / It Happened on the First of September (Or Some Other Time). 

The jury has chosen 14 books out of the 125 titles considered for the award. Seven finalists will be announced at the beginning of September, and on 14 October, the winner will be known. The author of the winning title will receive a prize of 35 000 Euros.

The longlist features books by well-known authors, e.g. Oksana Zabužko (Angelus Award winner in 2012) and Zyta Rudzka (winner of this year's Literary Award of the City Capital of Warsaw), Saša Stanišič and Judith Schalansky.   

The novel Čepiec / The Bonnet was published in Poland by Ha!art and translated by Katarzyna Dudzic-Grabińska.

Austrian author and translator of Polish literature Martin Pollack presided over the jury that has chosen the nominations. Pollack is a recipient of the Angelus Award 2007. 

Other jurors were Wojciech Browarny (literary scientist and professor at the University of Wroclaw), Kinga Dunin (sociologist, publicist and literary critic), Michał Nogaś (radio and print journalist who specializes in literature), Mykola Riabchuk (Ukrainian literary critic and essayist), Justyna Sobolewska (literary critic and journalist from the weeky Polityka) and Andrzej Zawada (literary critic and historian, professor emeritus at the University of Wroclaw).

Angelus is not only an award for writers, it celebrates the work of translators and interpreters, too. Since 2020, the prize has been awarded to a translator for her/his Polish translation of the winning title. 

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