Lit_cast Slovakia #19: Peter F. ‘Rius Jílek

In the first edition of Lit_Cast Slovakia 2021 literary critic Peter F. ‘Rius Jílek helps Julia Sherwood usher in the New Year in a conversation ranging from earthquakes and the pandemic to the importance of literary awards. He shares his experience of being on the jury of Anasoft Litera, explains why he doesn’t mince his words in his reviews, and calls for a sustained and better funded campaign to promote Slovak literature abroad.

(Photo: Tibor Pokorný)




Peter F. ‘Rius Jílek

Jilek.Cafe Kritická kaviareň


Pavel Vilikovský

Ivana Dobrakovová

Peter Šulej

Alena Sabuchová

              Šeptuchy (The Whisperers)

Katarína Kucbelová

              Čepiec (The Bonnet)

Michaela Rosová


Uršuľa Kovalyk

Jana Bodnárová

Michal Hvorecký

Gejza Vámoš

Milo Urban

Jozef Cíger Hronský

              Pisár Gráč (Gráč, the Clerk)

Dušan Kužel

              Lampa (The Lamp)

Anasoft Litera Slovakia’s most prestigious literary award

Cena fantázie Slovak speculative fiction short story competition

ASPEKT Feminist publishing house

Glosolália, feminit literary journal focusing on gender issues

Fraktál literary journal

Rozum literary journal

Kapitál monthly journal focusing on social and cultural issues