Maša Haľamová foto 1

Maša Haľamová

28. 8. 1908
—  17. 7. 1995
essay, ya and children's books, literary science, poetry

Complete list of works

Gift (Dar, 1928), Red Poppy (Červený mak, 1932), Poems (Básne, 1955), I Live Your Death (Smrť tvoju žijem, 1966), Fragments (Čriepky, 1993). Her collected poems had been published under the title Poems (Básne) in 1957, 1972 and 1978.

literature for children:
Mechúrik Koščúrik and His Friends (Mechúrik Koščúrik s kamarátmi, 1962), Petrišorka (1965), The Tit from the Coconut House (O sýkorke z kokosového domčeka, 1976)

More Precious Than Gold (Vzácnejšie než zlato, 1988), Confessions (Vyznania, 1988), The Tatras´ Leaves (Tatranské listy, 2001) 

collected works:
Poems (Basne, 1957), Poems (Basne, 1972), Poems (Basne 1978)