Ghias Mousli

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Curriculum vitae

Ghias Mousli was born in the town of Homs in Syria, and graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the Charles University in Prague in 1970. He has been translating since 1990. He works as a rehabilitation doctor in Homs, Syria.  As a member of the Association of Arabic writers, he teaches about Slovak and Czech literature. He is a laureate of the Pavol Orságh Hviezdoslav Prize (2015). Mousli has translated many Slovak and Czech novels, e.g.  Tisícročna včela / The Millenial Bee by Peter Jaroš, Letmý sneh / Fleeting Snow, Krutý strojvodca / Cruel Engine Driver by Pavel Vilikovsky, Matky / Mothers and Stalo sa 1. septembra (alebo inokedy) / It Happened of the First of September by Pavol Rankov, Horuce leto 68 / Hot Summer 68 by Viliam Klimáček, or Ako chutí moc / The Taste of Power and Smrť sa volá Engelchen / Death is called Engelchen by Ladislav Mňačko.