Ivan Štrpka foto 3
©Foto Peter Procházka

Ivan Štrpka

30. 6. 1944
essay, general fiction, literary science, other, poetry

One of the best Slovak contemporary poets, Štrpka belongs to the poets’ group Osamelí bežci (Lonely Runners). He debuted with the collection Krátke detstvo kopijníkov (The Brief Childhood of Lancers, 1969). Besides his prolific poetry writing, he is also known for his collaboration with the legendary musician Dežo Ursiny. Some of these lyrics were published in the collection Modrý vrch (Blue Peak, 1988). Štrpka’s most recent collections are Fragment (rytierskeho) lesa / Fragment of a (Knight’s) Forest, 2016 and Kam plášť, tam vietor (2018).

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