Ján Smrek foto 1

Ján Smrek

Zemianske Lieskové
—  8. 12. 1982
essay, poetry, screenwriting, ya and children's books

Complete list of works

Sentenced to Eternal Thirst (Odsúsený k večitej žízni, 1922), Galloping Days (Cválajúce dni, 1925), The Knots of God (Božské uzly, 1929), Only Eyes (Iba oči, 1933), The Poet and the Woman (Básnik a žena, 1934), Grain (Zrno, 1935), The Feast (Hostina, 1944), The Well (Studňa, 1945), Picture of the World (Obraz sveta, 1958), Strings (Struny, 1962), Written on a Barrel (Pisané na sude, 1964), Don`t Disturb My Circles (Nerušte moje kruhy, 1965), Night, Love and Poetry (Noc, láska a poézia, 1987, published posthumously), Against the Night (Proti noci, 1993, published posthumously). The collection of poems, Nenogista roze, published in 2011 in Latvian contains also selected poems by him. 

A Painted Alphabet (Maľovaná abeceda, 1954), The Blots (Machule, 1956)
essays and other works:
Literary Glosses (Literárne glosy, 1924), librettos to operas by J. Cikker Beg Bajazid (1957) and Mr. Scrooge (1963), memoirs Poetry, My Love (Poézia, moja láska, 1968), We Are a Living Nation (Sme živý národ I. , II. , 1999, selected essays)

F. Villon: The Great Testament (1949), E. Ady: Poems (1950), A. Józef: It`s Not I Who Calls (1952), S. Petöfi: Poems (1953), A. S. Pushkin: Ruslan and Ludmila (1957),
P. Corneille: Cid (1959), Translations (1978, complete translations by J. Smrek)

Smrek`s poems were translated and published in many anthologies, e. g. in A Violin Before the Open Window (1998 English).
Beg Bajazid (1958, German, opera libretto)
A Beautiful Game (1966 Czech, selected poems)
Selected poems (1976 Hungarian)
Poetry, My Love (1986, Hungarian, memoirs)
Ardent Words for the Days of Cold (2000, poems in 6 languages)

Bacardi (2012, Czech)