Milan Lasica foto 1

Milan Lasica

3. 2. 1940
—  18. 7. 2021
journalism, literary science, other, poetry, theatre & drama & film

Complete list of works

Scripts, plays and narratives (with J. Satinský):
An Evening for Two (Večer pre dvoch, 1966), Not Waiting for Godot (Nečakanie na Godota, 1968), Lasica, Satinský, and You /Soirée (Lasica, Satinský a vy /Soirée, 1970), Three Plays /Nobody Is at the Door, Our Friend René, Day of Joy/(Tri hry /Nikto nie je za dverami, Náš priateľ René, Deň radosti/, 1988), Where We Go for it (Kam na to chodíte, 1991, with S. Štepka), Collected Works: Milan Lasica and Július Satinský 1, 2 (Súborné dielo: Milan Lasica a Július Satinský 1, 2, 1996, 1998), Trialogue (Trialóg, 1997, with M. Horníček), Songs and Other Texts (Piesne a iné texty, 2003), The Famous Lyrics of the Famous Songs (Slávne texty slávnych piesní, 2008), Dialogues, a book of text + CD (Dialógy, knihy textov s CD, 2008), L+S: The Jubilee, a book of texts + CD (L+S: Jubileum, kniha textov s CD, 2008), Letters to Emil, Don´t Touch My Meat Loaves! (Listy Emilovi, Na fašírky mi nesiahaj!, 2012) 

Song lyrics:
There Were Eleven of Us (Bolo nás jedenásť, 1985), Songs About Nothing (Piesne o ničom, 1989)

Face to Face, with Tomáš Janovic (Zoči-voči, spolu s Tomášom Janovicom, 1999) From behind the Door (Spoza dverí, 2003), Except I am just a Comedian.... interwiews with Ján Štrasser (Lenže ja som iba komik..., kniha rozhovorov s Jánom Štrasserom, 2005), Full-stop, Feuilletons 2003 - 2006(Bodka. Fejtóny 2003 - 2006 (2007), Second Full-stop, Feuilletons 2007 - 2009 (2. bodka. Fejtóny 2007 - 2009, 2009)