Ondrej Štefanko foto 1

Ondrej Štefanko

18. 3. 1949
Temešvár (Rumunsko)
—  20. 2. 2008
Nadlak (Rumunsko)
essay, ya and children's books, poetry

Curriculum vitae

Born 18 March 1949 in Timisoara (Romania). He went to Slovak elementary and high schools in Nadlak, Romania. Then he studied physics and chemistry and worked in this area until 1989. After the fall of communism he was elected member of the Romanian parliament representing the Slovak minority. He founded the first independent magazine for Slovaks in Romania Our Efforts and held a leading post in the Democratic Union of Slovaks and Czechs in Romania for a few years. He chairs the Union of Slovak Writers and Artists Living outside Slovakia. He is also the chief editor of the magazine The Lowland Slovak and the bilingual (Romanian-Slovak) quarterly Double Mirror /Oglinzi paralele. He is a member of the Union of Romanian Writers, Society of Slovak Writers and Slovak Writers' Community.