Peter Macsovszky foto 1

Peter Macsovszky

4. 11. 1966
Nové Zámky
Petra Malúchová, Jozef Varnusz
general fiction, other, poetry

Curriculum vitae

Peter Macsovszky graduated in Slovak, Art Education and English. He has taught aesthetics and literary criticism. He writes in Slovak and also in Hungarian – his mother tongue. He made his debut in 1994 with the remarkable collection of textual collages Strach z utópie (Fear of Utopia). It immediately stirred up the calm waters of the Slovak poetry scene and won him his first literary award, the Janko Kráľ Prize. He is the author of various collections of experimental lyrical texts, e.g. Cvičná pitva (Training Autopsy, 1997), Súmračná reč (Twilight Speech, 1999) and Tovar (Merchandise, 2006). The new millennium also saw him emerge as a fiction writer with the novella Frustraeón (2000). He wrote the controversial collection of poems, Súmrak cudnosti (Twilight of Modesty, 1996) under the pseudonym Petra Malúchová. Together with the fiction writer Denisa Fulmekova he published Klebetromán (The Gossip Novel, 2004). After that followed Lešenie a laná (Scaffolding and Ropes, 2004), Hromozvonár (Thunder-Bellman, 2008) and Mykať kostlivcami (Making Skeletons Dance, 2010). His novel Tantalópolis (2015) received the Anasoft Litera Prize. His most recent works are the novel Povrch vašej planéty (The Surface of Your Planet, 2017), inter-genre text Sarcangelium (2018) and the book put together from quotes and paraphrases of personalities from the fields of philosophy, religion, psychiatry and psychology Breviár pre posledných psychológov (Breviary for the Last Therapists, 2019). The author uses the techniques of conceptual art, textual assemblage and textual collages; complex experimentation is his trademark. He has recorded two experimental music albums With Július Fujak and Peter Varsavik. Macsovszky is also an outstanding translator: he won the Ján Holly Prize for his translation of the Hungarian writer Miklós Szentkuthy’s novel Burgundian Chronicle in 2017.