The Ocean of Patience Sang

The new collection of short stories by the novelist, poet and winner of the Anasoft Litera Award is an excellent demonstration of the author's expertise and skill. Who controls the events on the planet? A council of nine unseen grandmasters? Malicious geniuses or philanthropic has-beens? Is it right to fix a world gone mad at any cost? Is it really true that everyday conspiracies are inspired by conspiracy delusions, and delusions are in turn based on science fiction novels and films? Why are the preventive measures of the past two years strikingly reminiscent of the sinister fantasies? These occurred to the author in 2010 while writing a short story that concludes this collection. There is no need to look for answers. One just has to delve into the context of the stories, which envelops the reader the moment they enter the mirror that has been held up to them.



Book category

General Fiction


Oceán trpezlivosti zaspieval

Original language

Slovak language

Published in




